Saturday, May 8, 2010

Minor set back


We didnt get to start the P90X this week...

Because I have caught the plague of colds going around.  I had to take yesterday off work and spend the whole day in bed downing dose after dose of Nyquil.  It was a GREAT day ( big rolling of eyes there)

but we WILL start next week!

In the mean time, We have implamented the healthy eatting diet, and I must say it feels great!
Even though I'm sick, I can feel the difference. I just feel so much better eating healthier.

And so with that, I will post my First Recipe:

This one is a fave around here. and its SO simple!
(addmision... This is a Kraft Foods Recipe)

ok, i cant get my computer to work.... so check it out HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this recipe!! It looks delicious and I'm currently on a weight loss journey! I'm new to your blog, love finding other military blogs to read!:)