Saturday, February 20, 2010

Starting over...

As you can see all the old posts are gone,
The old blog was just a bunch of randomness.
I was never inspired to post anything to it because it was so here and there.
I'm all for things being here and there, but with a general theme. So from now on, this blog will not have a "theme" other then, MY LIFE.
Which means my Daily workings, odd occurrences.
Yes, Odd, My life can be very odd.

Bare in mind, I'm a new blogger...
And as with a fine wine (which I love oh so much!) I hope it will get better with age.

I have started another blog called
"A Veiw From A Life In The Stacks"
Its all about work.But work in a good way,

Scout's Honor.

I work in a library. There are tons of things that happen there, and it's not all about the books.
go on, clicky the link and check it out.... I'll be here waiting...
That is until I get side tracked and go read another book...

So...with out further Adieu...


New Girl on Post said...

Ok..I just saw on your profile you're at Ft.Polk?! How long have you guys been there? That was our first duty station and we loved it there. I really miss it sometimes. :)

New Girl on Post said...

My husband was there for about 2 and a half years, but I was only there for one. I had a great job and CLOSETS and plenty of storage space so I do miss that aspect of Polk. We left December 2008, so we haven't been gone that long. I can't believe you guys have been there that long. 5 years might be a bit much for me, but I'm not sure. We have tossed around the idea of going back there after we get done with Italy.

New Girl on Post said...

I'm with you on N'Awlins and Baton Rouge. We also loved Lake Charles. There was a sports bar there called Pappy's that makes the most awesome po'boys and spicy Bloody Marys. My husband and I were just talking the other day about how we miss the rolls from WagonMaster

I worked at Mount Claims, it's on the same street as the courthouse. My boss and co-workers were AWESOME. I still keep in touch with them.